Raw Family/Baby/Pregnancy

Our healthy happy little Issy - 6 months
Welcome to Raw Family.. Pregnancy and Baby! See below links for information on raising beautiful bubbas in Books, Movies and Articles...

We plan to raise Isabelle armed with the best information and knowledge we have always coming from a place of love and protection and joy.  

Follow our blog as I Sarah, will  blog what I find on raising babies, my experiences, our challenges and joys, on raising our beautiful family and all on a very high Raw diet!
These are some of the websites and resources I have found during my pregnancy, birth and Isabelle's baby journey! Enjoy, Sarah, Hamish and Isabelle! xx


  • Well Adjusted Babies.  This Australian Best-Seller offers the most unique collation of cutting-edge information and knowledge on holistic parenting — all in the one book! It has the most comprehensive list of reasons why food should be introduced in a childs diet. I highly recommend this book.
  • The Wonder Weeks. In The Wonder Weeks, you'll discover the specific dates during their first 14 months when all babies take eight major developmental leaps. And you'll learn how to help your baby through the eight great "fussy phases" that mark these leaps within a week or two.
  • Creating Healthy Children by Karen Ranzi  Karen Ranzi guides you on the path to creating happy and healthy children, confident of their disease-free future. Rather than medicate your child’s diseases, infections, and learning difficulties, Karen’s unique and proven approach simply eliminates the causes of health and weight problems through the healthful raw food lifestyle. Karen also emphasizes fulfilling your child’s emotional needs by adhering to attachment parenting principles throughout the growing years.
  • Ticklish - A fantastic book expoloring new Ways to Help Your Child Learn, Love & Play
Other Fantastic books I have and highly recommend...
  • Fresh by Sergei and Valya Boutenko – has info on how to transition kids to raw.
  • Raw Living and Eat Smart, Eat Raw – both by Kate Magic, these raw recipe books are packed with practical recipes Kate used to raise her three boys. 
  • The ‘Anastasia’ Books by Vladimir Megre 


Articles on Raw Pregnancy and raising a raw family

DVDs & Movies