Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Benefits of Wheat Grass

So I (Sarah) am currently breastfeeding my gorgeous little isabelle, and have been taking Raw Multi Vitamins, however every time I take them my body goes into a really weird hyper tension state of an almost anxious state, so after doing a bit of research into vitamins etc.. I decided it was time to get back into wheat grass!

So tomorrow I am going to get cracking at get this wheat grass on the go! I found this great article on the benefits of wheatgrass! Enjoy Sarah :)

Benefits of Wheatgrass

 So I (Sarah) am currently breastfeeding my gorgeous little isabelle, and have been taking Raw Multi Vitamins, however every time I take them my body goes into a really weird hyper tension state of an almost anxious state, so after doing a bit of research I decided it was time to get back into wheat grass! So tomorrow I am going to get cracking at get this wheat grass on the go!

I found this great article on the benefits of wheatgrass! Enjoy Sarah :)

Benefits of Wheatgrass


Increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.

Stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity, indigestion, and a host of other complaints.

Restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice's abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.

Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins. Recent studies show that wheatgrass juice has a powerful ability to fight tumors without the usual toxicity of drugs that also inhibit cell-destroying agents. The many active compounds found in grass juice cleanse the blood and neutralize and digest toxins in our cells.

Contains beneficial enzymes. Whether you have a cut finger you want to heal or you desire to lose five pounds...enzymes must do the actual work. The life and abilities of the enzymes found naturally in our bodies can be extended if we help them from the outside by adding exogenous enzymes, like the ones found in wheatgrass juice. Don't cook it. We can only get the benefits of the many enzymes found in grass by eating it uncooked. Cooking destroys 100 percent of the enzymes in food.

Has remarkable similarity to our own blood. The second important nutritional aspect of chlorophyll is its remarkable similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Institute of Health in Japan, is a leading advocate for the use of grass as food and medicine. He reasons that since chlorophyll is soluble in fat particles, and fat particles are absorbed directly into the blood via the lymphatic system, that chlorophyll can also be absorbed in this way. In other words, when the "blood" of plants is absorbed in humans it is transformed into human blood, which transports nutrients to every cell of the body.

When used as a rectal implant, reverses damage from inside the lower bowel. An implant is a small amount of juice held in the lower bowel for about 20 minutes. In the case of illness, wheatgrass implants stimulate a rapid cleansing of the lower bowel and draw out accumulations of debris.

Externally applied to the skin can help eliminate itching almost immediately.

Will soothe sunburned skin and act as a disinfectant. Rubbed into the scalp before a shampoo, it will help mend damaged hair and alleviate itchy, scaly, scalp conditions.

Is soothing and healing for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete's foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors, and so on. Use as a poultice and replace every two to four hours.

Works as a sleep aide. Merely place a tray of living wheatgrass near the head of your bed. It will enhance the oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.

Enhances your bath. Add some to your bath water and settle in for a nice, long soak.

Sweetens the breath and firms up and tightens gums. Just gargle with the juice.

Neutralizes toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury, and polyvinyl chloride.

Offers the benefits of a liquid oxygen transfusion since the juice contains liquid oxygen. Oxygen is vital to many body processes: it stimulates digestion (the oxidation of food), promotes clearer thinking (the brain utilizes 25% of the body's oxygen supply), and protects the blood against anaerobic bacteria. Cancer cells cannot exist in the presence of oxygen.

Turns gray hair to its natural color again and greatly increases energy levels when consumed daily.

Is a beauty treatment that slows down the aging process when the juice is consumed. Wheatgrass will cleanse your blood and help rejuvenate aging cells, slowing the aging process way down, making you feel more alive right away. It will help tighten loose and sagging skin.

Lessens the effects of radiation. One enzyme found in wheatgrass, SOD, lessens the effects of radiation and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cellular damage following heart attacks or exposure to irritants.

Restores fertility and promotes youthfulness.

Can double your red blood cell count just by soaking in it. Renowned nutritionist Dr. Bernard Jensen found that no other blood builders are superior to green juices and wheatgrass. In his book Health Magic Through Chlorophyll from Living Plant Life he mentions several cases where he was able to double the red blood cell count in a matter of days merely by having patients soak in a chlorophyll-water bath. Blood building results occur even more rapidly when patients drink green juices and wheatgrass regularly.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Guide to Green Smoothies for Pregnant and Nursing Moms

I found a great article today on Green Smoothies for Pregnant and Nursing Moms

Source: A Guide to Green Smoothies for Pregnant and Nursing Moms

"Green smoothies are great meals when you’re doing a challenge or a detox! Adding greens will help your body to release toxins from your system, give you an energizing and nutritional boost, and allow for healing. But for pregnant and nursing moms considering a green smoothie challenge or detox, what are the considerations?

We went to Joanna Steven, author of Well Rounded: The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Raw Food Pregnancy, to find out what pregnant and nursing moms need to know about green smoothies to make sure their adventures with greens are safe and supportive.

Are Green Smoothies Safe During Pregnancy and While Breastfeeding?

green smoothies detoxification and pregnancyWhenever we wonder about the safety of a certain food, we need to break it down to its simplest components. What is a green smoothie?

In its purest form, a green smoothie is simply a blend of leafy greens such as spinach, and fruits, such as bananas. Nothing more, nothing less. Would spinach be harmful during pregnancy? Not at all, greens are an important part of a healthy diet at any age, because they are so high in amino acids (the building blocks of protein), minerals (important for the development of the fetus), and more. Rich in folate, they are also critical in preventing spina bifida, a developmental birth defect.

And what about fruits? There is absolutely no reason why one should restrict fruit intake, in reasonable amounts of course, as they are rich in fiber, vitamins, calories, and more. This shows that green smoothies as part of an otherwise healthy diet during pregnancy and while breastfeeding are not only safe to consume, they are also extremely beneficial.
Is a Green Smoothie Detox Safe During Pregnancy and While Breastfeeding?

But, what about detox diets where nothing but green smoothies are consumed? Opinions will vary on this topic, especially within the raw food community, as staunch low fat raw foodists will argue that anything but fruits, greens, and extremely minimal amounts of nuts and seeds are truly the only way to go.

hemp chia and flax seeds are healthy fats to add to green smoothiesI personally disagree, and I would caution against a diet exclusively made of green smoothies, as an adequate consumption of fats (especially omega 3 fatty acids and other essential fatty acids) are important both for mom and baby. Studies showed that a lack of omega 3 fatty acids can lead to anything from depression during pregnancy to low visual acuity in children born of omega 3 deficient mothers. I personally made a point of consuming at the very least 600 mg of DHA daily.
How many green smoothies are too many?

A good rule of thumb is to equate “too much” with “not enough of other essential foods”. If you are drinking so many green smoothies that you end up low on calories, healthy fats and certain nutrients such as selenium, zinc etc., then you are drinking too many green smoothies and should cut back.

I drank around 3-6 cups of green smoothies daily, for a total of around 3-4 cups of greens to 5-7 cups of fruits. I also ate my greens in salads, which are different in that they also contribute healthy fatty acids to my diet in the form of hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, healthful dressings and more.
What about toxins passed on to babies?

It is an undeniable fact that toxins spill onto breast milk. But, our breast milk is not as toxic as we think, even if we follow a “normal”, non-organic diet which would also include milk, dairy etc.

breastfeeding and detoxA study from Ohio State and John Hopkins universities found that there are more pollutanst in the air we breathe than in breast milk! Because of its amazing health promoting qualities which will influence a child’s lifelong development, toxins should not be an issue when it comes to breastfeeding. Regardless of our diet, breast is always best. Still, we as mothers want what’s best for our kids, and therefore try to avoid potentially hazardous factors such as VOC paints, cigarette smoke etc.

So, what about green smoothies? As I said earlier, green smoothies are greens and fruits, which are very beneficial to us and, as a result, our babies. They are not harmful as long as they do not constitute one’s sole source of nutrition (and the harm would then be from missing nutrients, not from the ingredients themselves).
What are some alternatives that can be put in place to increase nutrition safely?

Granted, it is true that chlorophyll is detoxifying, but it is much better to avoid environmental pollutants and consume high mineral, high vitamin green smoothies than to keep living the same relatively toxic life while avoiding healthy food.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and are drinking green smoothies daily, great!

If you currently follow a processed diet, I would still recommend adding green smoothies to your daily routine. All you need to do is start with one cup a day, gradually building up to 3-6 cups a day as your body adjusts to the new ingredients and high quantities of easily absorbed nutrition.

If you still want to increase your nutritional intake in the meanwhile, as you should, I would recommend adding a variety of healthy ingredients in small quantities, so that you can increase them as you would increase your intake of green smoothies.

For example, you can add hemp seeds to your smoothies, or sprouted brown rice protein. Both are raw, and while you will not have a “pure” green smoothie as a result, you will still have a very healthy, power packed, easy to digest food that will leave you energized. That way, you will not be consuming large quantities of any single food, thus not overloading your system, but will still be improving your diet.
The Bottom Line: Why are Greens Important for Mom and Baby?

The benefits of greens are mind boggling. They are antioxidant powerhouses, have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, are rich in minerals, and they are detoxifying. Moms need them to stay healthy during pregnancy and when breastfeeding, when our nutritional needs go up dramatically, and fetuses need them to develop properly. Breastfeeding babies need the nutrients to keep up with the many growth spurts they will go through during their infancy. And, green smoothies might ensure that mom keeps up with her fluid intake – it is easy, in our busy lives, to forget to drink enough, so we might as well get our fluids at the same time as our vitamins and minerals!

Green smoothies are a very healthy food for mom and baby, and they should be consumed regularly as long as they are part of an otherwise healthy and varied diets which includes essential fatty acids, more protein than for regular individuals (70 grams of bio-available protein is good), and certain nutrients which are available in larger amounts in nuts and seeds, like zinc and selenium".

Monday, November 7, 2011

Become a Fan of Travelling Raw on Facebook

We just started a Travelling Raw Facebook Fan Page! 

So become our friend on Facebook today!

Raw Food For Babies

I just found this interesting article on Raw Food for Babies   by Karen Ranzi.
Im currently researching on which foods to introduce to Isabelle and at what age!

The type of food given to baby is dependant on the age of weaning. All babies require mother’s milk for at least the first year of life to create the strong immunity and bonding necessary for baby’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development. It contains the important fat and protein that cannot ever be replaced by other foods or formulas. The fat and protein in mother’s milk is sufficient for baby’s growth well into the second year. I encourage mothers to nurse as long as possible. Humans are the latest to mature of all mammals therefore our young require the longest nursing periods. I recommend a minimum of two years.
Only a very small percentage of mothers fail to have sufficient milk, are unable to nurse due to serious health concerns, and/or can’t find a wet nurse. If a mother is unable to nurse for at least the first year of baby’s life, then alternatives could be a wet nurse or a milk bank. If human mother’s milk is unavailable through a local nursing mother, then contacting a milk bank or website focused on breast milk donations would be the next step. For example, was formed in 2004 by Kelley Faulkner, a mom who was unable to produce enough breast milk due to a congenital breast abnormality. Knowing the significant benefits that only breast milk can offer, she sought to provide the best possible nutrition for her children using donated breast milk. Thirty generous and loving nursing mothers donated tons of breast milk for her children. Her second son has been exclusively fed with donor milk.

A last alternative could be raw (unpasteurized) goat milk. The combination of half raw goat milk and half celery/carrot juice has been done successfully for those who were unable to nurse and unable to obtain milk from a human mother.

We must remember that human mother’s milk will always be best for the human baby.
Many infants are unable to properly digest almond milk or avocados at so young an age, and may not increase in weight because of their inability to absorb these fats and proteins. These infants risk malnourishment. Many children are allergic to nuts, specifically because they were introduced too early in life. Many years ago, I attended a class on healthy foods for the young child in which recipes were given for almond milk, and it was stated this alternative milk could replace mother’s milk completely if the mother were absolutely unable to nurse. Although some success has been reported with almond milk in Germany when babies were found to be allergic to cow milk, I strongly feel mothers have got to find a way to feed their babies with mother’s milk—if not their own, from another mother.

Toward the end of the first year, and no sooner, if baby is equipped with teeth to chew, then bite-sized pieces of fresh, ripe, organic fruits can be given one at a time.
Observe any reaction, as some babies are not ready to eat until well into their second year of life. I recommend that as soon as baby is accustomed to digesting a variety of fresh fruits given individually for chewing, that you begin to introduce green leafy vegetables in delicious green smoothies to provide additional minerals. It is best to start with the milder greens such as Romaine lettuce or spinach.
Remember that for each child the progression will be a little different depending on dentition and real desire and readiness to eat. Some children are simply curious about foods but not yet ready to eat. The mother must be observant of her baby to predict the right timing for introduction of foods. Into the second year, baby can have diluted nut and seed milks and avocado for their fat and protein contents, but solid soaked nuts and seeds should not be given until later to avoid the development of a nut allergy as nuts require a greater digestive capacity.

Some mothers ask about adding honey to baby’s first meals. According to Charles Santerre, toxicologist and food scientist, in his article “When Can My Baby Eat Honey?”: “Although honey seems like a wholesome and natural food to give your infant, don’t do it until after she’s at least 12 months old. Honey can contain spores of a bacterium called clostridium botulinum, which can germinate in a baby’s immature digestive system and cause infant botulism, a rare but potentially fatal illness. These spores are usually harmless to adults and children over 1 year old, because the microorganisms normally found in the intestine keep the bacteria from growing.” Signs of botulism are constipation along with muscle weakness, trouble sucking, slack jaw or crying and lethargy.

Fruit is delicious and filled with vitamins, perfect as baby’s first food. Fruit is sweet, not requiring honey or other sweetener to further sweeten it.

The child should not be given solid food to chew until there are many teeth. Another likely sign of readiness for solids is if the child isn’t gaining enough weight from mother’s milk alone, and requires additional food. Some babies don’t ask for or require solid foods until closer to two years of age, yet parents have been led to think their child needs them much sooner.
Some people feed coconut milk to their older babies. The fleshy part of the coconut is high in fat, and so, should not become a big part of the regular daily diet since breast milk is still providing the necessary fat and protein. Coconut water, however, is much lower in fat than coconut flesh and can be easily digested.

During the latter part of the first year, a very limited amount of diluted unprocessed fresh fruit juices may be given. Fruit juices should be used very sparingly for infants as well as older children. It is wise only to give juice to older infants who can drink from a cup. These juices could be 50% water and 50% juice, made of oranges, apples, melons or pears. You could also use the whole fruit and make a very simple watery smoothie after 9 months of age, but only if baby is eager. The fruit juice intake should be limited to not more than 3 to 4 ounces of diluted juice in a day to ensure baby is drinking enough breast milk to provide the fat, protein, and myriad other nutrients for proper development. In addition to displacing the amount of breast milk a baby drinks, dental caries have been associated with juice consumption, therefore it is best to keep it to minimal amounts.

After baby is already eating solid bite-size pieces of a variety of fresh fruit, green smoothies and green juices should be introduced to provide the abundance of minerals from green leafy vegetables. Following are some fun smoothies and puddings to create. They are a mild and delicious introduction to green leafy vegetables.:
Emerald Smoothie
1 banana
1 mango peeled, pitted and chopped
5 Lacinato kale leaves
2 cups of water
Chop banana and add to blender with chopped mango. Add kale leaves to blender with water. Blend until smooth.
Banana Green Fun
2 bananas
1 cup Romaine lettuce
1 cup of water
Blend bananas and water. Gradually add Romaine lettuce. Add more water if necessary.
Bright Sunny Day Smoothie
1 mango
4 peaches
2 stalks of celery
Blend mango and peaches. Then gradually add celery stalks. Use water for a smoothie or leave thick for a pudding.
Pina Colada Smoothie
2 bananas
2 slices pineapple
1 large handful spinach leaves
1 ½ to 2 cups of water
Blend bananas and pineapple with water. Add spinach leaves and blend until smooth.
All of this is described in much detail in my book Creating Healthy Children: Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods which is available at, and many raw food websites.
Karen Ranzi, Author, Lecturer, Raw Food Consultant 

Raw Vegan Radio

I found this today on the Raw Vegan Radio website and think its fantastic! By Steve Prussack Host of Raw Vegan Radio Today, I am going to list the top 5 lies the raw food leaders don’t want you to think about or know. Our upcoming articles will go more into detail, but for now, here they are:

1. You need to follow a raw food guru. This misconception has been popular in the raw food community for years now. Many people have been following a raw food diet with significant results. Some of them have lost substantial amounts of weight.
Others have cured themselves of a variety of ailments and disease. The problem is, some of these individuals have put themselves up on a pedestal, developed a website, and positioned themselves as a new leader to be followed. I have seen it over and over again. Now the question is, what makes somebody a leader? Does simply following a raw food diet for a couple of years automatically make somebody an expert? Personally, I have been in the raw food community for over a decade. I have seen many experts change their opinion at the drop of a dime. If you are following one of these leaders, perhaps you are now confused. I don’t blame you. While there is excellent information available on following a raw food diet, the truth is you don’t need to follow any of these people. The truth lies within yourself. My goal is to provide you with all the tools you need to make your own decisions. I am not going to put myself up on a stage and expect you to purchase the latest raw or animal supplement powder of the day.

2. You need to be 100% raw. While this theory has been running rampant for a few years, the majority of raw food teachers themselves are not following a 100% raw food diet. While the paradigm is now shifting, some people are still confused. Many “raw food” books continue to promote the idea that 100% raw is more advantageous than a simply high-raw diet. It was discovered many years ago by Dr. Brian Clement and a team of experts that consuming between 80 and 100% is just as beneficial as consuming a 100% completely raw diet. Psychologically, it may be harder to continue consuming a high percentage of raw food once you incorporate cooked into the diet. The reason being, cooked foods can become addictive. If you are disciplined, and can consume a high percentage of raw food along with whole foods (and less processed foods), without a doubt you will be more healthy than most people on this planet.

3. You need to eat animal products. Less than two years ago, the raw food community began to shift. For years, the prevailing mindset was a raw vegan diet is the best way to go. Some leaders began to shift their market, and thus began a focus on longevity. Other leaders jumped on the bandwagon and followed. After all, there is a lot of money promoting animal-based products. The truth is, there is absolutely no reason you need to consume animal products. The raw food community continues to be hyper-focused on individual health; there has been little education on animals or environmental concerns. If you read important life-changing books like “Diet for a New America” by John Robbins, The China Study by Dr. T Colin Campbell, or the World Peace Diet by my good friend Dr. Will Tuttle, you will learn exactly why animal products are unnecessary for too many reasons to discuss here. I highly recommend you look at the big picture and decide for yourself what your body needs to thrive.

4. Chocolate is healthy. Let’s be honest, once raw cacao came on the scene, raw foodists rejoiced. Remember all the “raw” cacao parties springing up all over the country? The raw leaders began telling us of the many benefits in raw cacao, including high nutrients, vitamins, and other health benefits. Did they mention caffeine? Did they mention the addictive properties of chocolate? I was definitely once addicted to raw cacao. While I do not deprive myself from eating raw chocolate on occasion, I am well aware that this is not a health food. Some raw food leaders have gone so far as to say you should eat a large amount of cacao every day! Again, be your own guru. If it feels right for you and seems to be working, you can allow yourself the indulgence every now and then. But we need to be honest about what our body needs, craves, or can become addicted to.

5. Raw food is the answer to all life’s problems. There is so much more need to look at when it comes to health. The holistic model includes the mind, body, and spirit. Stress is a big contributing factor to a variety of ailments. I have known many raw foodists who were so stressed out trying to follow their diet, that stress levels caused them to be sick! Relationships are another area often overlooked. Having healthy and harmonious relationships is essential for a overall health and well-being. Our society is becoming more and more isolated. Although we connect over computers, emails, and texting, face-to-face interactions are becoming less and less a part of our daily life. We need to continue connecting to each other on a human level. In addition the environment is being destroyed at unspeakable rates. The more we find out, the less we want to know.