Listed below are
books on raw food and the lifestyle which we have read through our Raw
Food journey and recommend to anyone starting a raw food lifestyle!
We only list those books which we have read and recommend!
Keep an eye out for the Travelling Raw Book due to be launched early Feb 2011
Raw Success by Matt Monach
Success is the key to longevity on a 100% raw vegan diet. With
information that has never before been introduced, these new concepts
mark a turning point for the raw lifestyle! You can get your hands on
this book at the Raw food world store
Raw Emotions by Angela Stokes
I (Sarah) loved this book - it contains so many tools when dealing with Raw emotions.
Emotions goes beyond the physical, to examine the emotional and
spiritual factors that contribute to our eating patterns...and gives you
PRACTICAL, solid insights into how to create LASTING CHANGE :) You can get your hands on this book at the Raw food world store
Raw Spirit By Matt Monach
This book shares incredibly inspiring, fascinating, fresh ideas about how to experience longevity with a 100% Raw Vegan Lifestyle. It covers such areas as:
- Understand how to succeed with a 100% raw food lifestyle
- Find your Optimal Raw Diet: not too extreme, not too lax - just right for you
- Protect yourself from the detrimental effects of the environment
Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine by Dr Gabriel Cousens
Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine is the most practical solution to these critical personal and planetary issues. This holistic approach to Conscious eating includes nearly 400 of the most creative raw-food recipes around and essential information on food preparation. Special sections take the theme further: "Healthy Traveling in the Raw" with extensive advice on eliminating the stress of jet flight, and "Raising Rainbow Babies" with the first information ever published on month-by-month raw-food nutrition for infants. This compelling synthesis of research and innovative dietary strategies charts new territory based on an age-old theme: Eat as nature intended.
Spiritual Nutrition by Dr Gabriel Cousens
The book is written by a spiritual teacher who is coming from direct experience. He is not coming from theory, but from the truth of his own life and light. Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini creates the conditions for experiencing the divine bliss which is the primary motivation for liberation as it achieves the urge to live in an unending divine kiss. Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini gives you both the technology and the inspiration to do this.
Conscious Eating by Dr Gabriel Cousens
Conscious Eating has been referred to as the 'Bible of Vegetarianism' for both beginners and advanced students of health. In addition to the classic information that made the previous editions well-loved, in this newly revised edition, Dr. Cousens introduces breakthrough research and important practical ways to successfully individualize your live-food diet for optimal health and vitality. He also discusses new topics such as healing the 'addictive brain', freedom from depression, and vegetarian nutrition for pregnancy.
Anastasia By Vladimir Megre
These highly unusual books provide extraordinary insights into dozens of subjects - from natural child rearing to the production of high-energy, healing foods, from the meaning of human life to the amazing potential that awaits every one of us, from ancient megalithic science to the vital importance of breast-feeding, and from sacred sexuality to the hidden history of world religions. For more information on these amazing books visit Ringing Cedars
Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future, by David Wolfe
Superfoods are vibrant, nutritionally dense foods that have recently become widely available and which offer tremendous dietary and healing potential. David Wolfe profiles delicious and incredibly nutritious plant products such as goji berries, hempseed, cacao beans (raw chocolate), maca, spirulina, bee products, and a host of others. As powerful sources of clean protein, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, good fats and oils, essential fatty and amino acids, and other nutrients, they represent a uniquely promising piece of the nutritional puzzle. Each superfood is described in detail, accompanied by easy and delicious recipes.
Green For Life, by Victoria Boutenko
for life approaches human nutrition from a new angle, comparing the
human diet with the diet of chimpanzees. This book is written in a clear
style, illustrated with anecdotes, diagrams and pictures. The results
of the Roseburg study conducted by Victoria and Dr Fieber, reveal the
unique healing potential of green smoothies. This book is scheduled to
come out during the last week of October 2005. We recommend pre-ordering
this book early to avoid waiting. Your orders will be processed in the
order they were received.
Raw Family, by the Boutenko's
The inspiring true story of a family who, through necessity, found themselves on the raw/live food path. The final straw for Victoria was when she was told that her son, diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, would have to be injected with insulin for the rest of his life and that there was no cure. Through her despair, Victoria reasoned that there must be another way; another answer for her son and family. One day she saw a very radiant and happy looking woman in the bank and again asked the question. The answer: "Eat raw food!

The inspiring true story of a family who, through necessity, found themselves on the raw/live food path. The final straw for Victoria was when she was told that her son, diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes, would have to be injected with insulin for the rest of his life and that there was no cure. Through her despair, Victoria reasoned that there must be another way; another answer for her son and family. One day she saw a very radiant and happy looking woman in the bank and again asked the question. The answer: "Eat raw food!
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