Hi All,
So its been a while and the adventures haven't stopped but we have been a bit busy of late and what feels like yesterday - when I look at the last post made it was Febuary! It is already May! and how time is flying! so to catch up for the last few months! I am going to post some post with information I have found, our raw adventures ( we went to Tasmania on a two week van adventure! and what has been happening in the world of Raw Food!
One of the biggest growth periods of our lives has been my belly! With this little bub now six months and we have three months to go! My eating has become high in Raw again - thanks to my 100% raw partner in life - Hamish ! But a lot of learning on the live food diet has also been happening through Gabriel Cousens and his teachings - posts to come!
Anyway we are back on board! and look forward to recieving your emails and advice and us posting the latest information we find our our adventures!
love sarah and hamish